GNPS Feature Based Molecular Networking Analysis, Superquick Start

Drag and drop output from your favorite feature finding tool (e.g. MZmine2, OpenMS, XCMS3, Optimus, MS-Dial, Progenesis-QI, or MetaboScape).

1. Feature Quantification Table (csv or mzTab-m)
2. Feature MS2: MSP (Progenesis QI), mzML (mzTab-m), or MGF (MZmine2, OpenMS, XCMS3, Optimus, MS-Dial)
3. Experiment Metadata
4. Additional pairs externally generated (e.g. Ion-Identity Networking)

Optional Notification Email

Optional GNPS Login Credentials

Drop file here to upload feature quantification table
(Files Required)
Drop file here to upload feature MS2 MGF/MSP/mzML file(s)
(Files Required)
Drop file here to upload sample metadata file
Drop file here to upload additional pairs to be included in the network